Saturday 15 December 2018

What is the use of bibliographic reference management software?

Referral software has 3 main functions:

Easily collect references, either one by one or in batches, by clicking a button or importing a file, from an existing database, connected websites or from publisher sites,

Manage their references, classify them, annotate them, tag them, and export them,

Quote a reference within a text, from a classic office automation tool or from Latex, and generate a bibliography, while adopting a style (format) of presentation (chosen or imposed by a review).
There are dozens of tools of this type, free or paid, each having developed some features more than others according to the needs of a community, the operating system for which it works, the interest also of the funders of their developments.

How to choose?

Since some LGRBs allow the creation of bibliographies or collaborative collections and that this idea interests you, it is advisable to inquire about the habits of your community, your laboratory or the members of your research project and to choose the same tool. In the same vein, the fact that the tool is also a form of social network can count if you want to expose your bibliography to identify new collaborators.

Being able to annotate PDFs and even share notes with collaborators is a feature that is generally appreciated. Some tools integrate this functionality directly, others allow it by using a third-party PDF reader. This is the case of Zotero for which there is also the possibility of using the ZotFile application (which also allows a Zotero mobile operation).

Being free, free or paid can also be a criterion, as can the limits of file storage space (to be distinguished from the limits in the number of possible references). To work around the problem if you have a large library of PDFs, you have to check if the tool allows outsourcing the storage by using another service like Google Drive, Drop Box or Box. For Mendeley, it is necessary to simply indicate a directory in the "cloud" as being an "watched folder"; for Zotero, it will be a question of setting up a WebDav server.

The operating system of your usual computer and the use of LaTeX are also 2 fundamental criteria in your choices, like the compatibility with your favorite browser, or the fact that the tool works entirely from the web.

The existence of an application for tablets and smartphones now counts more and more, even if it is especially here to be able to read and annotate the documents rather than to quote them in a text.
The fact that the DirDoc IST Cluster can organize Zotero trainings in your lab can also influence you. That said, if you want to opt for another tool, or migrate from one tool to another, Le Lab can help you in your approach.

There are comparators that can help you make your choice:

   The dedicated page of Wikipedia ,
   The most complete comparator is probably that made and updated by the library of the Technical University of Munich,
   The comparator of the Imperial College ,
   this post which presents the advantages and disadvantages of Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, Papers, Ref Works,
·         A very detailed comparison of Zotero, Mendeley and Docear (by Docear),
·         A comparative table of Endnote, Mendeley and Zotero developed by MIT.

Migrate from one tool to another

If you want to change bibliographic reference management tools, you will need to export your database and then re-import it into the new environment. Check the Wikipedia page to identify the format (s) that are both exported to your starting tool and imported by your new tool.
Do not hesitate to contact Le Lab for help with a major migration operation.


A style (output style) is used to format the rendering of a reference call (examples: (Doe 2015) or (Doe, 2015) or a number referring to the complete reference) and also the rendering of the complete bibliography at the end of document. You can choose the one you like the most, but in most cases it will be imposed by the magazine or conference to which you submit a paper, for example.

Many tools include the ability to choose from a library of styles that can be expanded by downloading a new style. Zotero proposes for example to visualize the format of a style and to download it then to integrate it to the tool, to see this page. They can be installed in other tools as they are developed in a standard CSL format. EndNote also offers a catalog.

The cloud, synchronize its data

Some tools only work from a computer, but more and more, they are connected to a platform. This means that after creating an account, it becomes possible to access via an Internet browser all its references and sometimes even the full text. It is also what allows access from several computers, his smartphone or his tablet. However, care must be taken to synchronize the possible modifications made on a terminal so that they are reflected in the opening of others.

EndNote allows you to synchronize your database with the EndNote Web version embedded in the Web of Science bibliographic database.

Zotero provides online access to its library but the online interface remains minimalist.
Mendeley also allows synchronization with an online account that powers the user profile that allows you to take advantage of social networking features.

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